- Oplysning fra Patrick Malaud pr. mail den 1.6.2021:
Proposed Change: Family: Direktør Kristian Kjærgaard Christensen / Karen Marie Kirstine Johansen
Tree: AlleSimons
Link: /familygroup.php?familyID=F1176&tree=All
Description: I'm the elder of the 6 children of Maud MALAUD (30/11/1929- 22/11/2020- borned Maud KJAERGAARD, daughter of Kristian KJAERGAARD + Maud ROERS - and Claude MALAUD (16/05/1929-23/08/2020).
I'm living in France,as my brothers and sisters.
We read this article by chance, but we have never heard about our mother familly.
If someone has some information you can join us with this website ?
Patrick MALAUD